11 Key Items for inclusion in your Whistleblower Policy

What is a whistleblower service? Core Integrity is a leading whistleblower hotline and workplace investigation service provider in Australia.

11 Key Items for inclusion in your Whistleblower Policy

This week we are highlighting the essential elements for your organisations Whistleblower Policy (WB Policy). Creating and maintaining a comprehensive WB Policy is crucial for organisations to ensure compliance with the Australian Corporations Act 2001. When drafting your policy be sure to include the following key aspects:

  1. Scope and Purpose

Your WB policy should clearly define its scope, including who is covered and what types of misconduct can be reported. It should also state the purpose of the policy: Encouraging and protecting whistleblowers who report misconduct. Your WB Policy needs to be readily available to your people such as on your externally facing website, intranet and uploaded to your hotline providers platform.

  1. Eligibility

Your WB policy must outline who qualifies as a whistleblower (Eligible Whistleblower). Under the Corporations Act, this includes both current and former: employees, officers, contractors, suppliers and their spouses and relatives. Essential to this is advising your people that they can report anonymously.

  1. Types of Disclosures

Your WB Policy should detail the types of disclosures that are protected, such as misconduct, breaches of the law, and any improper state of affairs or circumstances (Reportable Conduct). It should also point out that personal work-related grievances are not covered and can outline where these grievances ought to be reported.

  1. Reporting Channels

Organisations must provide multiple channels for reporting misconduct, including internal and external options. This can include a dedicated hotline, email address, postal address or a secure online portal. It is imperative that anonymous reporting options be provided.

  1. Eligible Recipients

Your WB Policy needs to set out who within your organisation can receive whistleblower disclosures for the report to be considered a whistleblower disclosure (Eligible Recipients). These individuals should be both internal and external to your organisation.

  1. Confidentiality

Your WB Policy must emphasise the importance of confidentiality and outline measures to protect the identity of the whistleblower. It should specify that the whistleblower’s identity will only be disclosed with their consent or if required by law.

  1. Protection from Retaliation

Your WB Policy should clearly state that whistleblowers are protected from retaliation, including dismissal, demotion, harassment, or any other form of detriment. It should outline the consequences for anyone who retaliates against a whistleblower.

  1. Investigation Process

Your policy should describe the process for investigating reports of misconduct, including how your organisation will handle the disclosure, conduct the investigation, and take appropriate action based on the findings.

  1. Training and Awareness

Your organisations should provide training  to employees, officers, and contractors on the whistleblower policy and their rights and protections under the Corporations Act. This can help ensure that everyone is aware of the policy and know how to report misconduct.

  1. Review and Update

Your policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains effective and compliant with any changes in legislation. Your organisation should also monitor the effectiveness of the policy and make improvements as needed.

  1. Contact Information

Finally, your policy should provide contact information for the person or department responsible for handling whistleblower reports. If you have an external Whistleblower hotline provider, it is essential to include their details in your WB Policy. This ensures that whistleblowers know where to go for assistance and support.

By including these key aspects, your organisation can create a robust whistleblower policy that encourages reporting of misconduct and protects those who come forward with their concerns. This not only helps maintain compliance with the Corporations Act but also fosters a culture of transparency and accountability within your organisation. A WB policy template is available here to assist in drafting or redrafting your WB Policy.

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