Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line

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Make a report online
Our secure online platform is accessible by weblink and enables you to make a report safely and securely - including anonymous reports with secure, two-way communication.
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Make a report by phone
For those looking for a more personal touch, reports can be made by phone. Our experienced team uses a trauma informed approach to take your reports and walk you through the process.
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Make a report by email
Reports can be made by email. All reports are transcribed into our secure online platform to ensure your report is treated in the strictest of confidence.
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Make a report by post
Reports can also be made by post to our secure post office box.
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Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line

Core Integrity – A confidential and anonymous avenue to report concerns

At Sparke Helmore, we believe that acting ethically and responsibly is not only the right thing to do but is also the right thing to do for our business. We all have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethics, in alignment with our Values, our Code of Conduct, our policies, and the law. We understand that our reputation depends on how we conduct ourselves both individually and as a business. Our Code of Conduct (link) outlines the expected workplace behaviour, guided by our core Values that influence our daily decisions and actions.

Sparke Helmore has appointed Core Integrity to administer a speak-up line. Core Integrity is an independent service provider dedicated to fostering an environment where individuals can comfortably report any actual or suspected issues, misconduct, wrongdoing, or activities that could impact them, a colleague, a client or the firm.

This service is completely confidential and independently operated.  All reports are handled with the utmost confidentiality and are only disclosed by the Core Integrity team to an authorised individual within Sparke Helmore for review and action.

This service is available to all Sparke Helmore Partners and employees (current and former), contractors, suppliers and any relatives or dependents.

When should you speak up?

As representatives of the firm, it is your responsibility to speak up if you witness any actions that may violate our Values, our Code of Conduct, our policies, or the law. Some examples of these issues include:

  • accounting or auditing irregularities or misrepresentations
  • fraud, theft, bribery and other corrupt business practices
  • anti-competitive behaviour, collusion, or insider trading violations
  • bullying, discrimination or harassment
  • unethical conduct, inappropriate or offensive behaviour
  • actual or potential conflicts of interest
  • data, information security and privacy breaches, and
  • human rights violations.

How do I speak up?

You have several channels to seek guidance or make a report:

Your immediate manager, next level manager:

Your managers are excellent resources for guidance or concerns related to many firm and job-specific policies and processes, work responsibilities, co-worker issues, and issues related to the workplace environment.

People & Culture, Internal Legal & Risk:

For issues involving actual or potential Code of Conduct or legal violations, you should contact the Head of Internal Legal & Risk or the Director People and Culture.

Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line:

If you don’t feel comfortable or safe using one of the above speak-up channels, you can also use Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line.

Make a report

There are a number of secure reporting channels to make a report using the Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line. You can choose the channel that suits you best.

Follow up a report

If you have reported a concern and want to follow up, or provide further information - click here to be taken to the login page of the secure online reporting platform:


Got a question about the Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line?

Make a confidential report online

Raising a concern online is simple, safe, and secure. You can use the web link to access the secure online reporting platform where you can submit your report.

You may choose to disclose your name or remain anonymous. If you provide an email and choose to remain anonymous, it will be stored securely and neither the team at Core Integrity nor at Sparke Helmore will be able to see it. At the conclusion of your concern report being reviewed, your email address will be automatically deleted.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to use the secure online reporting platform option so you can receive important updates and provide additional information if requested. Raising your concern via this option will make it easier for you to receive updates, and to communicate securely with those who are reviewing and taking action on your concern.

Download the ‘How to submit a report online’ guide if you want more information on making an online report.

Make a confidential report by phone

If you wish to raise a concern via phone, one of the Core Integrity team members will speak with you, answer any questions you may have and importantly, take down details of your concern.

Please note if you hang up before your call can be answered or you do not leave a voicemail with your contact number, Core Integrity will not attempt to call you back.

Make a confidential report by email

If you wish to submit your concern by email, a Core Integrity team member will respond within 24 hours.

Make a confidential report by post/mail

You can submit your concern via post/mail also. You can post your letter to the address listed and mark to the attention of Sparke Helmore speak-up line.

If you choose to report this way, please provide as much detail about your concern as possible including people involved, departments, locations, dates, times, and the nature of the concern.

Please note that this option may take longer for the team to receive and acknowledge your concern. Additionally, submitting your concern via post makes it more difficult to acknowledge your concern and communicate with you.

Please be assured that all concerns raised are handled in the strictest confidence and all concerns, regardless of how they are reported, are entered into the secure online reporting platform.

Attention: Sparke Helmore Speak Up
PO Box 730
Milsons Point NSW 1565

Follow up a report

If you wish to follow up on the status or progress of a report you’ve submitted, or you wish to provide more information, you can access your report here. Simply click the link and you will be taken to our secure reporting platform where you will be asked to enter your Report ID and your password.


Sparke Helmore has appointed Core Integrity to administer the speak-up line. Core Integrity is an independent service provider where individuals can comfortably report any actual or suspected issues, misconduct or wrongdoing, or activities that could impact them, a colleague, a client or the firm.

It complements existing internal speak up channels and provides you with a safe, simple and secure way to speak up.

This service is available to all Sparke Helmore Partners and employees (current and former), contractors, suppliers and any relatives or dependents.

At Sparke Helmore, we believe that acting ethically and responsibly is not only the right thing to do but is also the right thing to do for our business. We all have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethics, in alignment with our Values, our Code of Conduct, our policies, and the law. We understand that our reputation depends on how we conduct ourselves both individually and as a business. Our Code of Conduct (link) outlines the expected workplace behaviour, guided by our core Values that influence our daily decisions and actions.

As representatives of the firm, it is your responsibility to speak up if you witness any actions that may violate our Values, our Code of Conduct, our policies, or the law.

Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line is designed to complement and not replace our existing internal channels for speaking up.

You have several channels to seek guidance or make a report:

Your immediate manager, next level manager:

Your managers are excellent resources for guidance or concerns related to many firm and job-specific policies and processes, work responsibilities, co-worker issues, and issues related to the workplace environment.

People & Culture, Internal Legal & Risk:

For issues involving actual or potential Code of Conduct or legal violations, you should contact the Head of Internal Legal & Risk or the Director, People and Culture.

The Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line enables you to speak up and report a wide range of concerns or issues.

 Some examples of these issues include:

  • accounting or auditing irregularities or misrepresentations
  • fraud, theft, bribery and other corrupt business practices
  • anti-competitive behaviour, collusion, or insider trading violations
  • bullying, discrimination or harassment
  • unethical conduct, inappropriate or offensive behaviour
  • actual or potential conflicts of interest
  • data, information security and privacy breaches, and
  • human rights violations.

The Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line is independently managed by Core Integrity. The team from Core Integrity are trained in dealing with complex and sensitive disclosure issues. We are aware that, at times, people may not feel comfortable raising an issue or concern in-person or with those who they closely work with. Core Integrity provides you with a number of secure channels and enables you to speak to a trained expert to raise an issue or concern early, whilst having your confidentiality or identity protected.

Core Integrity will prepare a detailed report of your concern. Both your online concern and the detailed report will only be referred to an authorised person within Sparke Helmore for review, and where appropriate, for further action. You are encouraged to retain your report ID and password, and to monitor progress of your concern using the secure online reporting platform.

If you wish to follow up on the status of your concern, ask a question or provide further information, you are encouraged to do this via the secure online reporting platform.

Depending on the information provided and the nature of the concern, Sparke Helmore will consider the most appropriate course of action. Every concern is different, and not all concerns require an investigation.

Sparke Helmore will review the concern in detail, consider the information and any other information that may be available in determining the most appropriate course of action and; follow any existing internal policies and procedures that exist in formulating the response and; resolving the matter. Where appropriate, Sparke Helmore will commence a formal investigation.

We may also use the information from concerns to understand what are common themes, trends and issues occurring across the firm. This analysis supports ongoing training and initiatives.

During this process you can remain anonymous.

Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line is completely confidential and independently operated. All reports are handled with the utmost confidentiality and are only disclosed by the Core Integrity team to an authorised individual within Sparke Helmore for review and action. Importantly, your identity and the information you supply will only be shared with your consent.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to make your concern via the secure online reporting platform and to monitor progress of your concern.

In some circumstances either Core Integrity or Sparke Helmore may be required, by law, to share the details of your concern, such as in mandatory reporting circumstances. In these circumstances you will be advised at the time of either making your report to Core Integrity or by a member of Sparke Helmore who has been assigned your concern for further review and action.

If you don’t feel comfortable in providing your details and information in these circumstances, you should advise the Core Integrity team.

Sparke Helmore does not tolerate retaliation against any individuals that speak up. Action will be taken against anyone who retaliates against a person who raises a concern.

All concerns received via the Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line are recorded in the Core Integrity’s secure online reporting platform. Regardless of which channel you use to speak up, you will be given a unique report ID and password that enables you to directly access your concern report at any time. You are encouraged to retain your report ID and password to enable you to login and check on the status and progress of your concern.

Core Integrity’s secure online reporting platform enables you to engage in secure, two-way communications with the Core Integrity team and those who have been assigned internally at Sparke Helmore to take action on your concern. This secure two-way communication is perfect for asking questions, receiving updates, and even providing more information in support of your concern. You can remain anonymous using the Core Integrity secure online reporting platform.

Yes. The Sparke Helmore Speak-Up Line uses the latest in secure, anonymous two-way communications so you don’t have to provide your name and other details if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

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