Hastings Deering

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Make a report online
Our secure online platform is accessible by QR Code or web link, and enables you to make a report safely and securely - including anonymous reports with secure, two-way communications.
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Make a report by phone
For those looking for a more personal touch, reports can be made by phone. Our experienced team use a trauma-informed approach to take your reports and walk you through the process.
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Make a report by email
Reports can be made by email. All reports are transcribed into our secure online platform to ensure your report is treated in the strictest of confidence.
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Make a report by post
Reports can also be made by post to our secure post office box.
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What is YourCall?

YourCall is a confidential service provided by Hastings Deering in partnership with Core Integrity, designed to offer support and guidance to employees dealing with incidents of disrespectful workplace behaviour. YourCall is independent and committed to assisting employees in reporting incidents, seeking advice, finding information, or understanding Hastings Deering’s policies and procedures, while maintaining the employee’s privacy if they choose to remain anonymous.

Who is Core Integrity?

YourCall is an independent and externally managed service provided by integrity specialists, Core Integrity. The team is trained to deal with complex and sensitive issues and all matters are treated in the strictest of confidence.

When should you make YourCall?

We encourage you to report an incident to YourCall when you witness or experience any form of disrespectful workplace behaviour, such as sexual harassment, assault, bullying, victimisation, racism, or any other form of harmful behaviour. The team at Core Integrity is available to provide support and guidance in such challenging situations, ensuring you feel safe and supported throughout the process.

Make a report

We provide you with a number of secure reporting channels to make a report. Choose the channel that suits you best.

Follow up a report

Want to follow up on a report or provide further information? Click here to be taken to the login page.


Got a question about YourCall and how it works? We have you covered. Check out our handy FAQs.

Make a report online

Make a report online easily and securely using our web link. You can choose to provide your name or remain anonymous. Even if you decide to remain anonymous, our secure online platform allows you to receive updates and provide additional information at any time.

Your email address will be stored securely and deleted after your report is reviewed. Neither the team at Core Integrity nor Hastings Deering will ever see it.

Please note that anonymous reports may be harder to investigate.

For more details on submitting an online report, download our guide.

Make a report by phone

Please call our toll-free number to make a report by phone. Our friendly Core Integrity team will assist you, answer questions, and transcribe your report to our secure online platform. We support you throughout the process and use a trauma-informed approach that allows you to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.

Make a report by email

If you would like to submit your report by email, please send it to the address provided. A member of our team will get back to you soon.

We recommend using our secure online platform for submitting reports as it allows for anonymous communication and updates about your report. Remember that all reports are treated confidentially and are entered into our secure online platform regardless of how they are submitted.

Make a report by post

You can submit your report by post. Just send your letter to the address listed and mark to the attention of Hastings Deering YourCall. All reports are treated confidentially and entered into our secure online reporting platform, including reports submitted by post.

Please note that it may take longer for us to receive and acknowledge your report if sent by post. It can also make communication with you more difficult.

Attention: Hastings Deering YourCall
PO Box 730
Milsons Point NSW 1565

Follow up a report

If you wish to follow up on the status or progress of an existing report, or you wish to provide more information, you can access your report here. Simply use click on the link and you will be taken to our secure reporting platform where you will be asked to enter your Report ID and your password.




YourCall is an independent and externally managed hotline for you to speak up and report any actual or suspected issue, wrongdoing or illegal activity that may be occurring that has the potential to impact you, your colleagues, our customers or the organisation as a whole.

Yes. We use the latest in secure, anonymous two-way communication so you don’t have to provide your name and other details if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

YourCall is for all employees and stakeholders to report any actual or suspected issue. It complements existing internal reporting channels and provides you with a safe, simple and secure way to speak up.

YourCall has been introduced to provide you with an independent, external pathway to make a report or complaint, with the option to remain anonymous. We want you to come forward if you have any concerns about harmful or unlawful conduct.

When you come forward, you provide Hastings Deering with important information that enables action to be taken to prevent further harm. You are not only helping yourself be safer, you’re helping keep Hastings Deering’s workplace safe. It also helps Hastings Deering become aware of potential risks and monitor for trends so that issues can be identified and remediated early.

No. YourCall has been implemented to complement, but not replace, our existing internal reporting mechanisms and using it is completely voluntary. We understand that every issue and concern is different, and as such we want to provide as many options as possible for our people to speak up if they feel something is not quite right. YourCall provides a number of additional reporting channels, including a secure online platform for our people to speak up both confidentially and anonymously.

YourCall enables you to speak up and report a wide range of concerns or issues. Common issues include fraud, theft, bribery and corruption, breaches of policy, conflicts of interest, bullying and harassment – to name a few. You should refer to Hastings Deering‘s Whistleblower Policy and any other policies that discuss conduct issues.

YourCall is independently managed by our integrity partners, Core Integrity. The team from Core Integrity is trained in dealing with complex and sensitive disclosure issues. It is recognised that, at times, people may not feel comfortable raising an issue in person or with those who they work with. YourCall provides you with a number of secure reporting channels and enables you to speak to a trained expert to raise an issue or concern early whilst having your confidentiality or identity (should you choose) protected.

You can make a report to YourCall with a secure online form, by email, by phone or by post. This allows you to choose the reporting channel that suits you best, based on the issue you wish to report. Regardless of which way you use to make your report, all reports are treated in the strictest of confidence and are entered into a secure online reporting platform. Our secure reporting platform provides you with the ability to engage in secure, two-way communication with those who are reviewing your report, providing you with status updates and more information if required.

After Core Integrity has recorded all the details of your report and assisted you in gaining access to your report via the secure online platform, they will prepare a detailed Summary Report. Both your online report and the detailed Summary Report will initially be referred to an appropriate Hastings Deering for review, triage, and where appropriate, further action. You are encouraged to retain your Report ID and password and to monitor progress of your report. Should you wish to follow up on the status of your report, ask a question or provide further information, you are encouraged to do this via the secure online reporting platform.

All reports received by YourCall are recorded in our secure online platform. Regardless of which channel you use to speak up, you will be given a unique Report ID and password that enables you to directly access your report at any time. You are encouraged to retain your Report ID and password to enable you to login and check on the status and progress of your report.

Our secure online platform enables you to engage in secure, two-way communications with the Core Integrity team and those who have been assigned internally to your report. This secure two-way communication is perfect for asking questions, receiving updates and even providing more information in support of your report.

All reports received by YourCall are treated in the strictest of confidence. Your identity, and the information you provide, will be treated in confidence and only shared with select people internally who are responsible for reviewing and receiving such matters. Importantly, your identity and the information you supply will only be shared with your consent. If you wish to remain anonymous you may do so. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to make your report on our secure online platform and to monitor progress of your report.

In some circumstances either Core Integrity or Hastings Deering may be required by law to share the details of your report, such as in mandatory reporting circumstances. In these circumstances you will be advised of such at the time of either making your report to Core Integrity or by a member of Hastings Deering who has been assigned your report for further review and action. If you don’t feel comfortable in providing your details and information in these circumstances, you should advise the Core Integrity team.

All reports received by YourCall are recorded in our secure online platform. Regardless of which channel you use to speak up, you will be given a unique Report ID and password that enables you to directly access your report at any time. You are encouraged to retain your Report ID and password to enable you to login and check on the status and progress of your report.

Our secure online platform enables you to engage in secure, two-way communications with the Core Integrity team and those who have been assigned internally to your report. This secure two-way communication is perfect for asking questions, receiving updates and even providing more information in support of your report.

Sometimes people don’t feel comfortable speaking to their manager or to another internal department when reporting an issue or concern. YourCall provides an additional way, external to the organisation, for people to speak up, feel safe and have their report and identity treated in confidence. If you do not feel comfortable speaking up via your existing internal channels, then YourCall is for you. All reports are treated in the strictest confidence and can be kept anonymous should you choose this option.

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