Productivity Commission Complaints Line

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Make a report online
Our secure online platform is accessible by weblink and enables you to make a report safely and securely - including anonymous reports with secure, two-way communication.
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Make a report by phone
For those looking for a more personal touch, reports can be made by phone. Our experienced team uses a trauma informed approach to take your reports and walk you through the process.
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Make a report by email
Reports can be made by email. All reports are transcribed into our secure online platform to ensure your report is treated in the strictest of confidence.
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Make a report by post
Reports can also be made by post to our secure post office box.
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Complaints Line

The Commission’s Complaints Line is independently managed by an external provider, Core Integrity.

The Complaints Line can be used to report concerns about any conduct or actions you consider inappropriate or wrong. Concerns might be about , for example, bullying, harassment, discrimination racism, breaches of work health and safety, or fraud. These concerns may be impacting you, others, or the organisation.

While the Commission encourages to you to raise concerns via existing internal channels, we also understand you may not always feel comfortable doing so. This Complaints line is designed to provide another way you can speak up and report your concerns. The team at Core Integrity are trained in dealing with complex and sensitive issues and all matters are treated in strict of confidence.

Why speak up?

Speaking up is the right and positive thing to do. By doing so you are providing the Commission with the opportunity to review and consider your report and take appropriate action. By speaking up you are potentially protecting not only yourself but other people and the organisation.

When should you speak up?

If you have concerns about any conduct or actions you consider inappropriate or wrong, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible. The sooner we know about your concerns the sooner we can take appropriate action.

How do I speak up?

There are a number of ways which you can speak up and report your concerns. These include raising the matter with your manager, another manager or HR. We recognise however that sometimes you may not feel comfortable using internal channels.

This Complaints line is another option for you when you want to speak up and report your concerns. You can make your report via the online secure reporting platform, phone, email, or traditional mail. You can choose to remain anonymous when making a report.

All reports are treated in strict confidence and are referred by the Core Integrity team to designated senior staff in the Commission for review and action.

Make a report

We provide you with a number of secure reporting channels to make a report. Choose the channel that suits you best.

Follow up a report

If you have made a report and want to follow up, or provide further information - click here to be taken to the login page:


Here are some FAQs about how the Complaints Line works.

Make a report online

Speaking up and making a report online is safe and secure. Simply use the web link to access Core Integrity’s secure online platform where you can submit your report.

In making your report, you may choose to provide your name – all reports will be treated in strict confidence. You can also choose to remain anonymous. Please remember, this may place some limits on the Commission’s ability to respond to and investigate the concerns you raise. If you do want to remain anonymous, we encourage you to use the secure online platform to ensure you can receive important updates and provide more information if required.

The secure online platform enables you to enter your email address whilst still remaining anonymous. Your email address will be stored securely in the platform and neither the team at Core Integrity the Commission will ever see it. At the conclusion of your report being reviewed, your email address will be automatically deleted.

Download our ‘How to submit a report online’ guide if you want more information on making an online report.

Make a report by phone

Should you wish to make a report via phone, please call the number listed. One of the friendly Core Integrity team will be happy to speak with you, answer any questions you may have and importantly, take down details of your report.

The team at Core Integrity is focused on ensuring that you are supported throughout the process of speaking up. We adopt a trauma informed approach where we spend time to put you at ease, listen and we encourage you to share as much or little as you feel comfortable with based on your personal situation.

Make a report by email

Should you wish to submit your report via email, please send it to the address listed. One of our friendly team will be in touch shortly.

If you feel comfortable doing so, we encourage you to consider making your report via our secure online platform as this will make it easier for you to receive updates on your report, and to communicate securely with those who are reviewing and actioning your report.

Please note that we treat all reports in strict confidence and all reports, regardless of how they are reported, are entered into our secure online reporting platform.

Make a report by post

Whilst it is preferred that you submit your report via the secure online platform or phone, you can also submit a report via traditional mail. Simply post your letter to the address listed and mark to the attention of the Productivity Commission Complaints Line.

It may take a little longer for the Core Integrity team to receive and acknowledge your report should you send it by post. Additionally, submitting your report by post makes it more difficult for us to acknowledge your report and communicate with you.

Please note that we treat all reports in strict confidence and all reports, regardless of how they are reported, are entered into our secure online reporting platform.

Attention: Productivity Commission Complaints Line
PO Box 730
Milsons Point NSW 1565

Follow up a report

If you wish to follow up on the status or progress of a report you’ve submitted, or you wish to provide more information, you can access your report here. Simply click the link and you will be taken to our secure reporting platform where you will be asked to enter your Report ID and your password.


The Complaints Line is an independent and externally managed mechanism for you to speak up and report concerns you have about any conduct or actions you consider inappropriate or wrong. Concerns might be about , for example, bullying, harassment, discrimination racism, work health and safety matters, or fraud. These concerns may be impacting you, others, or the organisation.

All Commission employees can use the Complaints Line to speak up and report any conduct or actions they consider to be inappropriate or wrong. It complements existing internal reporting channels and provides another way to raise concerns that is safe, simple and secure

The Productivity Commission is committed to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct. In this context, we place great importance on encouraging and supporting people to speak up about any issue or conduct that concerns them. The Complaints Line provides another way to raise concerns about any conduct or actions which you consider inappropriate or wrong.

No. The Complaints Line complements, but does not replace, our existing internal channels for speaking up. We understand that every issue and concern is different, and as such we want to provide as many options as possible for people to speak up.

You can report concerns you may have about any conduct or actions which you consider inappropriate or wrong. Such concerns may be about, for example, bullying or harassment, discrimination, racism, work health and safety matters, privacy, or fraud.

The Complaints Line is independently managed by Core Integrity. The team from Core Integrity are trained in dealing with complex and sensitive concerns and issues. It is recognised that, at times, people may not feel comfortable raising an issue in person or with those who they work with. The Complaints Line provides you with a number of secure reporting channels and enables you to raise an issue or concern confidentially, and anonymously if you wish.

The Complaints Line provides you with a number of channels to make a report – via a secure online reporting form accessible via QR code and weblink, phone, email and traditional mail. You can choose the reporting channel that suits you best.

Regardless of what channel you use, all reports are treated in strict confidence and are entered into our secure online reporting platform. This platform provides you with the ability to engage in secure, two-way communications with those who are reviewing your report and a facility for you to receive status updates and provide more information if required.

After the team at Core Integrity finish taking down all of the details of your report and assisting you in gaining access to your report via the secure online platform, they will prepare a detailed summary report. Both your online report and the detailed summary report will be referred to the Commission for review, and where appropriate, further action. You are encouraged to retain your Report ID and password and to monitor progress of your report. Should you wish to follow up on the status of your report, ask a question or provide further information, you are encouraged to do this via the secure online reporting platform.

Depending on the information provided and the nature of the report, the Commission will consider the most appropriate course of action. Every report is different, and not all reports require an investigation. The Commission will review the report in detail, consider the information provided, and any other relevant information that may be available and decide on the most appropriate course of action in the circumstances.

Sometimes it may be deemed appropriate to commence a formal investigation. Such an investigation may be undertaken internally or externally by a suitably qualified and experienced investigator.

We will also use the information from reports to help us identify any common themes or patterns in the types of concerns being raised over time. This may help us identify any wider or more systemic issues which might be happening in our workplace and introduce measures to address these.

All reports received by the Complaints Line are treated in strict confidence. Your identity, and the information you provide, will be treated in confidence and only shared only with people in the Commission who have responsibility for reviewing and consideringsuch matters. Importantly, your identity and the information you supply will only be shared with your consent.

If you wish to remain anonymous you may do so. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to make your report via the secure online platform and to monitor progress of your report.

In some circumstances either Core Integrity or the Commission may be required by law to share the details of your report, such as in mandatory reporting circumstances. In these circumstances you will be advised of this either at the time of making your report to Core Integrity or by a member of the Commission who has been assigned your report for further review and action.

If you don’t feel comfortable in providing your details and information in these circumstances, you should advise the Core Integrity team.

All reports received via the Complaints Line are recorded in our secure online platform. Regardless of which channel you use to speak up, you will be given a unique Report ID and password that enables you to directly access your report at any time. You are encouraged to retain your Report ID and password to enable you to login and check on the status and progress of your report.

Our secure online platform enables you to engage in secure, two-way communications with the Core Integrity team and those who have been assigned internally to your report. This secure two-way communication can be used for asking questions, receiving updates and even providing more information in support of your report.

Sometimes people don’t feel comfortable using internal channels to report an issue or concern. The Complaints Line provides an additional mechanism, external to the organisation, for people to speak up, have their report and identity treated in confidence, and remain anonymous if they wish (see below for further detail).

Yes. The Complaints Line uses the latest in secure, anonymous two-way communications so you don’t have to provide your name and other details if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

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