Sports Integrity Services

We help leading sporting organisations manage integrity risks


We work with Australia's leading sporting codes and clubs to help them protect their people, reputation and sponsors

Professional sports is a high stakes game. The pressure to perform exists both on and off the field, and never before has the commercial pressure been greater as codes and clubs compete for vital corporate sponsorship support, fan loyalty and important broadcast revenue. In addition to these pressures, the integrity of all sports and ensuring ‘fair play’ remains a continual challenge for administrators at both the professional and semi-professional level, especially with the increased focus on child safety and the global rise of legalised sports betting and the risk it poses to fair play. 

Luckily, we can help. We work with some of Australia’s leading sporting codes and clubs to help them manage their integrity risks. 

Prevention is better than the cure

Prevention is always better than your best response

We provide a range of proactive sports integrity services to help codes and clubs prevent or minimise the impact integrity risks can have on their sport and organisation. We have adopted best-practice methodologies commonly used in corporate and government to help sports protect their people, reputation and sponsors so they can focus on what they do best – play. 

We recognise the cost pressures being faced by sporting codes and clubs of all sizes as broadcast models fragment, more sports professionalise and the competition for corporate sponsorship support increases however we also know first-hand that the cost of responding to an integrity issue or crisis event can often far exceed the modest investment required to implement proactive integrity initiatives. 

Our client services include:

  • integrity risk assessments where we help you identify the threats to your specific sport and the controls required to minimise them
  • review and development of child safety (safeguarding) frameworks to meet legal and regulatory requirements
  • review and development of policies
  • review and development of complaint handling procedures to improve your participant’s experience
  • data analytics and thematic reviews
  • integrity operations performance reviews

If your sporting code or club is looking for a competitive advantage where you can demonstrate the strength of your integrity program to give corporate sponsors, broadcast partners and fans confidence then you should reach out to book a discovery call with our team.


We help leading sporting organisations manage their integrity risks

Early detection is key

When something does happen, early detection is important to minimise the cost and impact to your organisation

We are passionate about helping people do the right thing and helping organisations create safe speak up cultures and this philosophy also extends to sporting codes and clubs of all sizes. When it comes to the broad spectrum of integrity risks facing sports today, early detection of those issues is key to ensure the welfare of those impacted is managed effectively and to ensure the impact to the club, code, sponsors and fans is lessened. 

We provide our leading Speak Up Integrity Hotline programs to three (3) of Australia’s largest sporting codes and a number of leading professional sporting teams to ensure their players, coaches, staff and volunteers can speak up early to report any potential integrity issues that may be occurring. These leading codes and clubs recognise the important role that creating a safe speak up culture plays to both their on-field and off-field performance. 

We have programs for sporting codes and clubs of all sizes to help you protect your people, reputation and sponsors. Get in touch to see if we are a good match.  

Respond with confidence

When something does go wrong it's vital you respond quickly and decisively

No matter how strong your culture and risk management planning is, the reality is that at some point your sporting code or club will encounter an integrity issue. When it does occur, it’s vital that you respond both quickly and decisively to ensure you minimise the impact, demonstrate sound leadership in a crisis, build trust with your staff and players and importantly, give your key commercial partners confidence that you have the issue under control. 

The team at Core Integrity are experts at responding to integrity issues and conducting investigations. Our multi-disciplinary and experienced team can provide you with initial crisis and incident management support to help you manage your board, key stakeholders and the media, law enforcement liaison when criminal allegations have been made and the provision of independent investigation services to help guide you back to safety. 

Our clients engage us because of our deep experience in sports investigations and so we can provide them with the independence they require to conduct a thorough investigation. 

Our sports investigation experience includes:

  • Member protection issues
  • Safeguarding issues
  • Match-fixing, sports betting and corruption
  • Bullying and harassment allegations
  • Child safety
  • Code of Conduct and policy breaches
  • protected whistleblower disclosures

We have significant experience conducting a broad range of complex and relatively simple sports integrity investigations and we employ a range of technical competencies to assist our investigative methodology including forensic technology services (device acquisition, extraction and analysis) as well as open source intelligence gathering. 

If you are looking for a safe pair of hands who can help your code or club respond to integrity issues with confidence and independence, then get in touch. Ask us about our Integrity Retainer Services. 


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Results we’ve achieved for clients

Don’t just take our word for it! Learn how we work across corporate, government and professional sports to help our clients protect their people, reputation and bottom line. Discover our ‘Core Integrity Lifecycle’ approach and how we tailor our solutions to suit out client’s individual needs.

What our clients say

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