Whistleblower Training for all staff

Interactive training for your people on fundamental whistleblower policy and legislation, your whistleblower program, how to submit a report and support a safe speak up culture.

To create a safe speak up culture, everyone has to be aware of their responsibilities. This training is designed for all staff. Besides covering fundamental parts of the whistleblower legislation, it will educate them on your specific Speak Up Program, when and how to make a report and their role in fostering and supporting a safe speak up culture.

Speak Up Manager Training

For all staff

Available face-to-face, as virtual live training or hybrid training

max. 25 people per sessions (face-to-face), no limit for virtual settings

Duration: 30 mins

What they will learn

    Key Benefits

    Make the most of your Whistleblower Program. Get in touch with us.

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    Are you looking to submit a report? Please click here.