Workplace Investigation Services in Brisbane

We help organisations respond to instances of fraud and misconduct the right way – the first time

Our Workplace Investigation Services in Brisbane include:
  • Fraud, theft, financial misappropriation and financial crime
  • Bullying and harassment (including sexual harassment and discrimination)
  • Bribery & Corruption
  • Conflicts of interest (COI) and supplier-related issues
  • Breaches of Policy and employee misconduct
  • Theft of intellectual property
  • Breaches of confidentiality and unauthorised sharing of confidential information
  • Data Breaches, business email compromises (BEC) and other scams
  • Workplace grievances
  • Favouritism/nepotism in recruitment matters

When something goes wrong, it’s vital you respond decisively

Core Integrity provides a range of workplace investigation services including fraud, corruption and employee misconduct.

Our multi-disciplinary and highly experienced team play an important role in helping our clients respond to a wide range of integrity issues that may impact their people, reputation and bottom line. 

The consequences of fraud and employee misconduct on your organisation cannot be understated. The financial impact of integrity issues can be devastating for all businesses and having a negative and long-lasting impact on your culture and reputation, making it difficult to attract the best talent and customers.

It’s crucial that when something does go wrong you respond quickly, decisively, and in the correct manner. Customer, shareholder and community expectations, along with the 24/7 news cycle, make your response to the issue just as important as the issue itself.

Our team provide tailored and considered investigative responses to guide you through an often complex and stressful situation. No investigation is too big or too small. We pride ourselves on utilising our diverse experience across fraud, corruption and employee misconduct to help organisations uncover the truth and make the right decisions.

We've got you covered

Responding to fraud, corruption and employee misconduct

We help corporate, government and professional sporting organisations respond to a wide range of fraud, corruption and employee misconduct issues that can occur within your business.

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), fraud costs the average organisation five per cent of its annual revenue. What’s more concerning, external fraud and financial crime is becoming more sophisticated. 

Large organisations are an ongoing focus of organised crime, while small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are being targeted through Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams at an alarming rate. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) estimate BEC scams cost Australian businesses $132m in losses in 2019 alone – and this number is only growing.



We help organisations in Brisbane respond to instances of fraud and employee misconduct the right way - the first time

Doing nothing is no longer an option

Inaction is no longer an option when your reputation is on the line

Your customers, shareholders and employees expect you to take the appropriate action to uncover the truth and get to the bottom of issues in a timely manner. And that’s where we excel.

We work closely with Chief Executive Officers, senior executives and HR personnel in providing investigation advice and help them respond the right way – the first time. We provide tailored and considered investigative responses based on the issues at hand, with no scope creep and no surprises. There is no cookie-cutter approach, and each investigation is conducted to the highest standards in a timely manner.

With experience across fraud, corruption and regulatory issues, we have the ‘investigative chops’ to work with large corporations and government departments, with the depth and know-how to work with experts across any industry. This know-how is complemented by our extensive experience at managing and investigating a wide range of employee misconduct issues, such as bullying and harassment, conflicts of interest and breaches of policies.

Don't just get half the story

Unlock the power of your data with our forensic technology services

Data and information are a critical component of every organisation and play a vital role in the majority of workplace investigations. Core Integrity provide an array of forensic technology services and support to help unlock the full story when an issue has occurred in your business. 

Regardless of your organisation’s size or the sector you operate in, your data and digital footprint has never been more at risk. Whether it be insiders with bad intent or external scammers who look to disrupt business operations, or gain a competitive advantage. 

Our team is experienced at identifying the various devices, hardware, systems and tools that can play a role in uncovering the truth and shining a light on any fraud, corruption or employee misconduct within your organisation. 

With the rise in cyber attacks, data breaches, and theft of confidential information, we have both the technical and hands-on investigative experience to guide you back to safety – every time. 


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