Comprehensive Complainants Management in the Aged Care Sector

Supporting providers by implementing holistic speak up programs that provide best-practice governance in regards to receiving and reporting on issues and complaints raised by employees and clients.

Focusing on your people as the Aged Care system reforms

We implement tailored Speak Up programs that create safe channels for Aged Care workers and clients to speak up about potential issues and give providers the ability to efficiently case manage reports, including meeting their obligations under the Serious Incident Response Scheme.

As a long-term partner, we work closely with providers as challenges arise in a reforming sector to build a best-practice program that focuses on your people.

Tailored for a post-Royal Commission environment

Implement best practice in line with the Royal Commission's recommendations

Results we’ve achieved for clients

Ready to build out a best practice compliance program? We can assist you at every step of the journey. Book a free consultation with one of our experts.

Resources for further reading

Whistleblower Policy Template

Download your free copy of Core Integrity's Whistleblower Policy Template. This template will help you cover the 7 key things all Whistleblower Policies must have.

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