Whistleblower Training Programs

Empowering Safe Speak-Up Cultures: Core Integrity's Comprehensive Whistleblower Training Programs

Core Integrity’s whistleblower training programs are designed to foster safe speak-up cultures within organizations. They offer interactive training tailored for executive teams and boards of directors, as well as managers and team leaders, focusing on fundamental legislation and the creation of supportive environments for whistleblowers. These programs educate employees on whistleblower policies and procedures, ensuring they understand the essentials of whistleblower legislation. Additionally, Core Integrity provides upskilling for internal resources to efficiently manage whistleblower reports and protected disclosures, promoting transparency and accountability within the workplace.

Training for Teams & Individuals



Whistleblower Key Role Training

Enable Whistleblower Protection Officers, Whistleblower Investigations Officers and other Eligible Recipients to take on responsibility in your Whistleblower program.



Executive Speak Up Training

Create save speak up cultures with interactive whistleblower training for Executive teams or Boards of Directors.



Whistleblower Training for People Leaders

Interactive training for managers and team leaders on fundamental legislation and how to create a safe speak up culture



Whistleblower Investigation Training

Upskill internal resources to efficiently manage whistleblower reports and protected disclosures



Whistleblower Training for all staff

Train your people on fundamentals of the whistleblower legislation, whistleblower policies and procedures and how to support a safe speak up culture



Whistleblower Key Role Training for Individuals

Upskill as an individual on how to perform a key role in your organisation’s whistleblower program


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